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Surgeries We Offer

Spaying & Neutering

Spaying and neutering your pet offer numerous benefits, both for your individual pet and for the broader community. Here are the key advantages:

Spaying (Female) Benefits
Neutering (Male) Benefits
Reduces the Risk of Certain Diseases
Prevents Testicular Diseases
Prevents Heat Cycles
Reduces Aggression and Roaming
Prevents Unwanted Pregnancies
Controls Overpopulation

Spaying prevents unwanted pregnancies, heat cycles, and reduces the risk of certain diseases in female pets, including uterine infections and mammary gland tumors. Neutering in males controls overpopulation, reduces aggression and roaming tendencies, and prevents testicular diseases such as cancer and prostate problems, contributing to a healthier and more responsible pet population.

Cesarean Section

Aside from the actual surgical procedure, we perform ultrasounds and progesterone testing prior to the surgical procedure that help us time it properly and reduce the risks for mom and puppies. 

Dental Cleaning

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Grade 0

Healthy looking teeth. No plaque or gingivitis present.

Plan of Action

None needed!

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Grade 1

Mild gingivitis and plaque are present.

Plan of Action

Home care (brushing or chews)

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Grade 2

Mild to moderate tartar and gingivitis on multiple teeth.

Plan of Action

Professional scaling & polishing

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Grade 3

Heavy tartar and periodontal disease with bone loss.

Plan of Action

Cleaning & possible extraction

When was the last time you looked at your pet's teeth?  Dental issues, like plaque and tartar buildup, can affect gum health, cause cavities, oral abscesses, and affect other areas of the body. Plaque and tartar issues are more common in older pets and smaller breeds, but routine dental cleaning can help keep our furry friends healthy! We usually recommend starting annual dental cleaning around age 7. 

Surgical Insemination
Declaw/Dewclaw removal
Cherry eye removal
Nares correction
Soft Palate Correction
Entropion Correction
Exploratory- abdominal
Bladder Stone Removal
Orthopedic surgery (broken bones)
Femoral Head Ostomy
Patellar luxation repair
CCL repair

& more!

Minor Procedures

Auratoma repair

Laceration repair

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Got a Procedure Coming Up?

We require all pets to be fully vaccinated, including the Bordetella vaccine, before any elective surgery. We also recommend pre-anesthetic bloodwork, which we leave optional to pet owners. Pre-anesthetic bloodwork helps check blood and vital organ function.

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