Nutrition &
Your Pet
We could write volumes on this subject. This is one of the most important choices you will make for your pet, and it can be one of the most complicated decisions as there are so many food brands from which to choose. As far as meeting the nutritional needs and increase the effectiveness of companion animal care and more importantly, your companion animal, you must take into consideration age, breed, weight and any underlying conditions.
Feeding Guidelines
Let's break it down in categories and let's keep it within some simple guidelines. Beyond the information below, we are always available at the clinic or through our website to visit with you and help you choose a good food for your companion animal!

Pet Nutrition Handbook Free Download
Dog and cat food is big, big business. As the nutritional needs of companion animals have been studied and requirements become more and more streamlined, almost every major label of dog and cat food has undergone huge changes. The industry has seen tremendous growth as dozens of new brands are out there. Moreover, owners are aware of how important nutrition is when it comes to a pet's health needs and the competition is fierce when it comes to getting your business.